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Not to be confused with Wessie of Westbrook, (  the Pocomoonshine Lake Monster has been around for centuries.  Those who doubt the existence of such a serpent is thrown into the ‘Flat Earth Society’ and is likely only reading this to have something to sneer at later when they’re feeling badly about themselves.

The Serpent measures from 30 to 60 feet in length, depending on who is doing the story telling.  It has been known to travel on land leaving 3 foot wide trails of broken branches in its wake. This lake doesn’t appear to be a place where I would want to take a dog or small child swimming…heck if it’s 60 feet long I don’t think adults should be there either, but what do I know.

Other reports have this serpent traveling in groups of three or four, with one always in the front leading the rest to their destination. I don’t know about you, but with a name like Pocomoonshine, I’m not surprised there have been monster sightings here.

But how did such a creature come into existence? Turns out, a shaman by the name of Neptune got into a bit of a squabble with a Micmac chief at Boyden’s Lake, 18 miles away. They both shape shifted into their fierce animal of choice and battled it out. Wait to you hear this part…of course one of the men would shift into a serpent-that would be the Micmac chief. But Neptune chose to become a HORNED SNAIL! Is there something about snails that I don’t know about? Are they really just venomous ankle biters? What am I missing? And he won! That giant horned snail won over the sea serpent! So, Neptune shape shifted back to his human form and tied that sea serpent to a tree at the lake!

And that ladies and gentlemen who are not a member of the Flat Earth Society is how the Pocomoonshine Lake Monster came into existence.  

There’s something I don’t understand tho….if they fought at Boydens Lake, why are the Sea Monster sightings at Pocomoonshine Lake? Regardless, there are plenty of stories and supposed sightings of this monster to make anyone want to stay vigilant while visiting the area. It has been reported that the serpent is harmless and prefers to steer clear of people-I guess that would be why there are no photographs of such a creature.  If you go to lake Pokey, make sure you take your camera and keep a watchful eye.

While in the area, you may want to check out the Alexander Art Trail, just a hop, skip and a jump from the lake.

Pocomoonshine Lake Monster: News
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