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Midcoast Maine in the middle of the 18th century, there was a woman who was known as a seaport witch. She ran a boarding house for weary sailors and was also known to sell winds to sailors who were in need of a good push to get to their next port quicker than current conditions could provide. Oddly enough, this particular seaport witch had a good reputation and a bit of a following among the locals and sailors.

One particular evening, two captains had sat down at the boarding house for a rest in preparation for their trip to Boston. The witch overheard them boasting to each other about their captain skills, the speed and condition of their ships and overall competency on the ocean. The witch, knowing one of the sailors was local to the area while the other was rumored to be from either Bath or Bangor, quickly called the local sailor from the room.

She instructed him to bet all his earnings on his crew and ship on who could make it to Boston first.  The captain hesitated at first, not wanting to see he or his crew in financial distress caused by his gambling. But when a witch instructed you to do something, in those days, you did it. For those of you wondering why, read the story of Betty Booker. It seems as though seafaring men learned a thing or two from this tale.

The captain returned to the table and placed a mighty generous bet with the other captain. Then, without a moment to waste, they both went to their vessels and prepared to set sail. They each set out as the moon was rising hoping to be the first in Boston so they could collect their winnings.

The local captain immediately realized the wind was in his favor, blowing the ship down river, it then shifted  to remain a following wind once they reached the ocean. Down the coast and into Boston Harbor they sailed.

This was rumored to be a most enjoyable day at work for most of the crew since no one needed to tend to the sails. The wind remained steady leaving the members to sit back, drink and take in the moonlight.

Once they arrived in Boston, mouths gaped open at the speed of the Captains ship. The sun hadn’t even come up yet and they were already docked and ready to collect on their bet.  Be careful, placing a bet against a sea captain from Midcoast Maine. He may just know a witch who can control the winds.

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